To build a powerful community of
1 million women entrepreneurs across India,
thriving within a dynamic and supportive ecosystem.

Why WE Hub?
Women Entrepreneurs face a unique set of challenges throughout their journey. WE Hub aims to counter those biases and stereotypes to leverage the full extent of women’s entrepreneurial potential for the benefit of society by enabling access to technical, financial, government, and policy support required to start, scale, sustain, and accelerate.

Businesses are led by women

Can’t secure financing from traditional institutions

Discontinued during the pandemic

Women reported an intention to start a business
Our Impact

Funds raised

Start-ups & SMEs incubated

Partners onboarded

Entrepreneurs engaged

Start-up programs

Start-ups survive beyond 2 years

Students enrolled & engaged
We Work with...

Entities working towards innovation/improvement of
existing products/services/processes with a potential to create jobs & revenue

Small & Medium Businesses

Students seeking to enhance decision-making, problem-solving, & entrepreneurial skills for effective leadership and entrepreneurial roles
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Out of the 17 SDGs, we are functionally oriented towards 12 by engaging with different communities, government institutions, organizations, and corporations, to unite all stakeholders to end poverty, to fight inequality and injustice, and to protect our planet.

Our Services
Business Consultation
Compliance & Tax Assistance
Funding & Financial Assistance
Community & Networking
Our Partners